Acupressure is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that involves applying gentle finger pressure to acupuncture points. It is a safe and relaxing alternative to using needles and can support a range of imbalances in the body by promoting the flow of Qi ("chi" energy) through the meridian pathways. This treatment is given while you relax on a massage table fully clothed and can include:
Head, neck and shoulder release
Lower back and hip release
Pregnancy &/or preparing for birth
Short term relief for other symptoms such as fatigue, headache, digestive issues, immune support or detoxification
30 minutes $40
45 minute $60
60 minutes $80
Five Element Acupressure
Five Element Acupressure is a hoistic healing approach rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is based on the concept of the Five Elements, which are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. The five elements are associated with specific organs, meridians, emotions, and characteristics:
Wood: Associated with the liver and gallbladder meridians, related to anger and decision-making.
Fire: Corresponds to the heart and small intestine meridians, linked to joy and communication.
Earth: Related to the spleen and stomach meridians, associated with sympathy and thoughtfulness.
Metal: Connected to the lung and large intestine meridians, linked to grief and letting go.
Water: Corresponds to the kidney and bladder meridians, related to fear and wisdom.
Five Element Acupressure aims to balance and harmonize these elements by encouraging the flow of Qi (chi) energy. Treatment is based on symptoms and pulse diagnosis. Sessions are relaxing and given fully clothed by holding pairs of acupressure points on the body.
60 minute session $100