Energy Medicine

Work with your body's energetic field to promote mind-body balance and creative potential

person's hands
person's hands
star photography
star photography

Pellowah is an angelic word for "radical shift in consciousness and was developed in Australia in the early 2000s by Kachina Ma'an, a spiritual teacher and healer. Pellowah is considered a powerful and transformational energy healing technique and is said to empower individuals by helping them access their own inner resources and abilities. It is believed to support self-awareness and a sense of purpose. It is deeply relaxing and may help to clear negative patterns and boost intuition and creativity. Pellowah is pure source energy, with lighter frequencies than Reiki's earthy physical energies.

It is a completely 'hands off' therapy where you relax fully clothed and undisturbed while the therapist moves around the table. No music, aromatherapy or other potential distractions are used during the session so you can go within.

60 minute healing session $80

Attunements for Pellowah Practitioners $60


Reiki is a Japanese energy healing technique that focuses on the concept of channeling and manipulating "life force energy" to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The word "Reiki" can be broken down into two parts: "Rei" (meaning universal or higher power) and "Ki" (meaning life force energy, also known as Qi or Prana in other healing traditions).

Boost your energy and cope better with life's challenges or simply relax in the bliss of this fully clothed treatment. Reiki can be a hands on or off therapy and can support the body's innate ability to heal. It has been known to assist with creativity, mental clarity, stress management or any aspect of life where balance is needed by connecting with universal life force energy.

60minute session $80